Turkish Night

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our hotel owner in Goreme recommended checking out one of the popular 'Turkish Nights' while we where there. After looking into it we decided it would be a really cool experience so we headed off to Yemeni Restaurant to see what this thing was all about. It was located in a big cave room with a big opening in the middle for the show and little side booths for people to sit around. The place was packed, we were seated at a big table with 3 older Turkish couples who, unfortunately, spoke very little to no English at all, but that didn't stop us from trying to communicate and we ended up having a great time with them. 

The 'Turkish Night' is basically a big party with lots of food, drinks and dancing. The dancers put on a few traditional Turkish dances, including a wedding dance where people from the audience got to join in (yes, Julia and I jumped right in) and ended up doing a Turkish version 'train dance' that started in the room and ended outside in the cold. There was also a belly dancer and a few other awesome dances by the guys. It was a great night and quite an experience. We would recommend checking one out if you have a chance, they have them in most cities in Turkey, including Istanbul. 
